Friday, June 25, 2010

Michigan Is Under Construction

Driving from Ohio to Michigan is a straight shot up the I75, as I left Ohio, of course, it was raining. Fluffy believes that I am in charge of the weather, and she filed her complaints loudly while anxiously moving from her carrier to under the back seat, looking to Coco for reassurance. Coco is just happy to be on the road, and looks out the window with anticipation of - I have no idea, what. I am a little too close to the memory of the storm on the way in, but the National Weather Service has no disturbing reports and I carry on.

About fifteen miles out, the road construction signs start, which is okay, I guess. Then we go down from three lanes to two, two to a dead stop. I actually put the car in park and listened to a complete news program on the radio. After not quite forty-five minutes, we begin moving again and now we are moving! Speeds here have nothing to do with the posted signs, which I believe are considered decor around these parts. Wait for it, construction, stop, wait, start, fly. Repeat. By the time I got to Cathy and Greg's, I had parked on the freeway three times. I am not exaggerating.

Cathy had directed me to take a particular exit, to avoid construction, and that is the only reason that I wasn't in construction for the entire trip, but it was surely worth it! Cathy and Greg's house is two steps beyond gorgeous. Not only are my animals welcomed, they are immediately adopted and indulged as only animal lovers can do. Fluffy took this opportunity to spend her days and nights hunting chipmunks and squirrels, even if she had never seen a chipmunk before. I don't know if she caught any, she isn't saying - though she has been talking quite a bit, but Lorraine isn't here to tell me what it means.

For the next four days, I am fed all of my favorite foods, which I didn't know Cathy even knew, and of course, they are prepared wonderfully. I am so delighted that I listened to Carin, who told me that I had no excuse not to take advantage of this set of circumstances and visit everyone on my journey. My only claim to doing this right is that I listened to her, and took the opportunity to see Andrew and Sue, who made it possible for me to see Patrick and Jodie (and family of course), who all encouraged me to see Cathy and Greg. I guess I'm getting better at listening, but the fact is that they are the ones who have made my trip so amazing and I am so grateful! What a pleasure to renew relationships and maybe even make some new ones.

Michigan is so much more beautiful than I remembered. As lovely as it is, I could not describe my happiness in spending time with such incredible people! I last saw Cathy and Greg at Carin's wedding, which was fantastic but went by in a wink. I so enjoy spending time one on one with each of them, it is an opportunity I have never had before and will, surely, make certain to do again. It occurs to me that each leg of this trip has been amazing in its own right and though I am reluctant to move on, I am excited to see everyone. Fluffy and Coco may object to moving on but they don't get a vote, they're only animals.

You would not be surprised to know that Cathy took me house hunting, and believe it or not, there are many homes in my price range here that bear serious consideration. None as gorgeous as theirs, but hey, I'm a beginner. Cathy now has my vital statistics for a permanent residence, so who would be surprised if Michigan ended up being my new home...only me. Potential residency count is now two: Colorado Springs and Michigan. Can you say winter, boys and girls, sure you can...:D
Next stop New Jersey, after a rest stop in Pennsylvania of course.

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