As the settling in continues, in fits and starts, one thing that has emerged are the obsolete wires to former electronic. Electronics which are now toast. The saver in me wants to hold on to them "just in case..." Just in case what? If I should need a new something or other, which I certainly hope that I don't, we all know that it would require a new improved chord. A port designed by an entire electronics division not to accept any pre-existent wires that you might have. Oh, you think I'm being dramatic?
Let's look at the evidence. A simple phone wire (okay two - 6' and 25'), two Ethernet cables also of differing lengths, 4 little adapters for dsl/phone lines, a cable whose origin escapes me, a weird one with a figure 8 attachment, three different chords with different circumference attachments, and wall chargers from my electric toothbrush, the blender and who knows what else. You know those round ones might be from the cameras...the label maker? an electric tea kettle? the phones?
The fact of the matter is that if I dare to part with a single one of those suckers an appliance will turn up in some unpacked box...aye...if I even dare to put them away (as if I had a place for them)... would I ever remember where I tucked them?
I know, you wish this was your biggest problem. Well, I wish it was my biggest problem - but it's not. It's just the only one I'm willing to share at the moment.
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