As of right now, I am back online. Yeah! I really missed the internet...more than I expected to. It turns out that the local provider is qwest so now I have an email through them as well. I haven't decided whether or not I'm going to switch over yet. At the moment I have a lot tied to that att address and as far as I'm concerned, I have played enough with set ups for one day. I imagine that converting my cell phone, this blog and my business cards will take more patience than I have left today. It's good to know that I have a conversion to look forward to.
In the meantime, it snowed yesterday and the world looks all bright and clean. I love that about a snowfall. I am happy to report that I have no reason to drive today, so it's all good!
I do have some catching up to do with my email, so I will go do that. I expect to post again on Sunday, thanks for stopping by.
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