Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fluffy's First Adventure Begins

I am so excited! This morning I finished my first complete children's book based my my actual cat and our great adventure. It is so cute, I can hardly wait to print out the final copy with the pictures and all.

Since I am on the road, I don't have a printer with me, so I'll need to take my thumb drive over to Kinko's or something to print out my first copy! I just know this is going to be a really good thing in my life!

On Tuesday, Jack's writer's group is having a workshop on publishing. How cool is it that I can go with my finished book in hand. God loves me! Oh I can't tell you how cool this is.

How great would it be if Fluffy ended up being the answer I've been looking for? I can write a new book on each of the places we've been to and we could go everywhere (except England-where they quarantine animals for three months). The possibilities are endless! What fun to have something to get excited about, however it turns out. It has been so long since I've felt excitement like this. Nice :D If you want to hear it, give me a call...

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