This week both PODS (Portable On Demand Storage) arrived. Of course the guy couldn't get one in the driveway, while the guy in LA could put it in an envelope...nonetheless, they were unpacked leaving cardboard as far as the eye could see. The furniture is largely installed, except for one desk which has too many boxes on it to contend with. It was a special kind of heaven to Sleep in my very own bed...AHhhhh
Jack and Sue drove up from Santa Fe to help me unpack and assisted with uNloading the books. Who would believe that theY're over seventy? Certainly not me, because I witnessed the filling of three six foot bookcases and one three foot. The only reason we didn't finish the fourth six footer is because we couldn't find the books.
This single event made such a difference in the quatnity of boxes that I have begun finding things that I forgot I owned. Though someone is going to have to explain why I have four boxes that say Goodwill, two boxes that say yard sale and three boxes that belong to one of ny brothers? Most curious to me is the gigantic piece of artwork by Michael Heidzer, that I never wnated, don't own and has now folled me hAlfway across the country at my own expense. I swear I handed this to it's owner before I left. How the heck did it end up with me yst again? I'd laugh about it but I'm too sore from the books.
I do have a new friend by order of a very tame squirreL that loves peanuts and cannot explain the Heidzer either (or if he could he was too busy laughing to explain)
Sorry about the typos... I'll fix them from the library's computer