Thursday, April 5, 2012

Infrequent Flyer

Okay you die hards, I'm posting just for you...Once again life has gotten away from me, and I mean that in the nicest possible way.

If anyone would have told me that I'd have ten tax documents to prepare this year I wouldn't have believed them, but alas, I am not even exaggerating.  I've spent the last three days just reading instructions and trying to determine where to begin.  Tonight, I have that answer and so I can go to sleep at least feeling like I accomplished something.  Not that I've completed even the shortest of these forms, just that I have an idea of what it is that I need to do, and how the forms flow one into the other.  A paperless society indeed.

You can expect that I will not be posting until I have completed my taxes, April 15th for you non-Americans.  It may be that I have come to the end of this blog, unless someone tells me that they give a crap that I continue writing it.

I have other writing projects roaming around my mind and it may be that since I am no longer posting regularly, and my family and friends now can contact me at a residential address that it is time to let this go.  Who knows, I may need to blow off some steam mid-filing just to deal with words instead of numbers, but I doubt it. 

My email address is if you feel the need to contact me, just to be sure that I haven't left the planet, never fear, I keep my towel handy. {If you don't recognise that referent, read The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy and get back to me.}  You grok?  [If you don't get that referent, read Stranger in a Strange Land]  that ought to keep you busy until I get back.

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